On Sun, 22 Jun 1997 11:43:40 +0000 "Scott Gardner" <gardner@lwcomm.com>
>My wife's uncle just started selling cars at a local Cadillac
>dealership, and told me that they just got a '74 Midget as a
>trade-in. Supposedly 30,000 original miles, and original BRG paint.
>My question is, did the Midget bumpers follow the same pattern as the
>B's? (i.e., chrome until 73, both ways in '74, and then rubber
>afterwards?) I asked him what kind of bumpers it had, but he hasn't
>actually seen the car yet.
> Can someone tell me what to expect on a '74 Midget? I'm
>in what size engine, what type/how many carbs, what smog control
>parts, that sort of thing, just so I can tell if anything major is
>non-original. My wife is looking for a cute runabout, and we'd love
>to be her uncle's first sale. I'll probably swing by to look at it
The Midget in 1974 only had one type of bumper/overrider combination
which lasted throughout the model year. That is chrome bumpers with
those humongeous square "Mae West" rubber overriders. Commencing with
the 1975 model year, it was saddled with the full rubber bumper treatment
(along with a change in engine and transmission)
The 74 Midget has the 1275cc "A" series engine with twin 1 1/4 SU
carbs, type HS2.
Emission controls consisted of an air pump with attendent "manifold" to
inject air into the exhaust port. A vapor cannister was fitted on the
right (passenger) side near the firewall,and on top of the footwell. A
rubber line connected the timing cover oil seperator ( a small cannister
like purturbence on the front of the cover) to the twin carbs via a "T"
connector just before the carbs. In addition, the overflow hoses from the
carb bowls were conntected to the vapor cannnister by rubber and steel
lines. Finally, a somewhat larger rubber hose from the valve cover to the
center connection of the cannister. I also believe that a "gulp valve was
part of the original equipment and was stiuated on top of the intake
No catalytic converter was installed.
hope this helps
Rick Morrison
74 Midget