>X-POP3-Rcpt: phil@server
>From: <larry.g.unger@lmco.com>
>To: <phil@wilsongriak.com>
>Subject: RE: clearcoat paint?
>Date: Wed, 21 May 1997 11:40:18 -0400
>Encoding: 28 TEXT
>Phil Sims wrote:
>> I recently apinted my 60MGA black with acrtilic Urethane
>> (duPont Chroma One).The main advantage of this type of
>> paint (particularly for DYI use is that after cureing for a few
>> days you can block sand with 1500grit paper(wet) to remove
>> any dust bunnies that fall from the sky, then machine polish.
>> I used the 3M "Perfect_it" system with rubbing compound
>> and foam pad applied glaze. Beautiful result. NOW FOR
>> THE BAD NEWS. Any of the modern paint systems CURE
>> instead of DRY like the old laquer apints. That means they
>> will also CURE in your LUNGS! I spent more time trying to
>> figure out an air-supplied respirator than almost anything
>> else. None of the cartridge type repirators available are
>> rated for these paints. Use 'em but BE CAREFUL!!!
>Which respirator did ya use? Did ya paint it in your garage?
>If so ... how did ya prep the garage for painting? Which spray
>gun did ya use?
>I would really like to paint my 'A' myself, but have concerns
>regarding safety and dust bunnies. Sounds like you have
>worked through all of this ... any suggestions that ya might
>have regarding DYI prep and painting would be greatly
>Safety Fast! ... larry.g.unger@lmco.com
>'61 MGA 1600 MkII Roadster
Larry et. al.
Didn't mean to be cryptic about my respirator setup, but it was a little
odd. Basically I adapted my SCUBA system (no, I didn't wear the tank on my
back). The low pressure hose running from the first stage mounted on the
tank to the second stage (mouthpiece) only carries about 150psi. So I got a
spare low pressure hose, cut it in the middle, put regular Milton shop-type
quick connectors and used a standard(new and thouroughly rinsed) 50' air
hose as an "extention cord".
Yeah my wife thought I was crazy,too...but it worked great. Not wanting to
hold the regulator in my mouth as I was painting, I adapted a cheap 3M mask
with a piece of medical airhose I had from who-knows what other project,
and straped the second stage to my chest under my disposible paint suit. OK
it sounds a little excessive, but I could find NO source in my area to rent
or borrow a "real" air-supplied system.
Basically I made a big tent out of 4mil poly. I put one piece up, overthe
top, and down the other side. then filled in each end, seaming the pieces
with 1/8" gas welding wire stuck through like knitting needles. My garage
is pretty big, which helps, but as long as you can get 4or5 feet away from
the car in any direction you should be OK. Now the trick is airflow. I got
a cheap box fan, hung it from the ceiling new the top of the tent, cut a
hole in the plastic and sealed around the fan with the air flow going IN to
the tent. It blew up like a big balloon which keeps positive pressure in
the bag and keeps the walls away from you. there was enough "leakage" to
let overspray out. I placed a furnace filter on the intake side of the fan
so incomming air was relatively dust-free. I painted my car apart, with
fenders doors etc. hanging on rack I welded up so I wanted a tough but non
slick floor cover. ended up with a hunk of Tyvek "housewrap" scrounged from
somewhere. Worked fine.
I don't think it is possible to paint in any DIY situation and not get ANY
"dust bunnie" problem but the car-in-a-baggie method at least minimizes the
problem. I should also have clarified that the DuPont paint I used is not a
basecoat-clearcoat system, rather a one stage urethane. With all the usual
disclaimers (no my aunt doesn't work for them etc.) I highly reccommend it.
Best of Luck!!!
Phil Sims
Phil Sims