Bud Krueger wrote:
> Leckstein wrote:
> >
> > At 11:48 PM 4/18/97 +0000, Scott Gardner wrote:
> Same thing at the South Weymouth, Mass. NAS Blimp Hanger.
And yet again at the Cardington airship hangers in Bedfordshire, (not far from
the LBC
site) (See this location for pictures:-
These sheds were large enough for a famous glider pilot, Mr. Philip Wills, in
the mid
30s. to use them as a source of slope soaring lift when trying to fly X-country!
I have been expecting some reaction to my posting a few days ago of a press
concerning the take over of Joseph Lucas, and the impending change of name the
owners are contemplating. I have been struggling with this all electric
computer thingy
now for 6 months, and thought I had it reasonably under control, but in view of
total silence on the subject I am wondering if it actually got onto the list. I
know it
is not made by Lucas. It should have worked. Has anybody "out there" seen it?
Geoff Love.
Geoff Love.