On Fri, 4 Apr 1997 15:27:42 -0600 Ann Snyder <snydera@mis.finchcms.edu>
> ..... We are personal friends of Barney, through the Chicagoland MG
Club. (Will you admit to that, Barney, or should I have checked with you
Anyone admitting to being a friend of mine does so at their own risk. It
can sometimes be a dangerous neighborhood.
> ..... One last thing for now: our daughter, who learned to drive on the
71 roadster, is currently a student in Fairbanks. ..... I suggested to
Barney that he contact her regarding road conditions there and in western
Canada. Anyone else who is planning on the trip to Alaska can contact me
for her e-mail address. We won't be able to make it this year, but might
try it in '99 after the NAMGBR convention in Vancouver.
I'll drop her a line. Good chance we get to see her in June. So far,
two A's, two B's and two Morgans for the trip. May be more LBCs than
she'll ever see in one place in Fairbanks.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA