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Re: Smogging the B -Reply

To: pbailey <>
Subject: Re: Smogging the B -Reply
From: (John McEwen)
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 09:26:04 -0500
Hello List:

I have been following this thread with a sense of wonder and amazement.
Why is it that we poor taxpayers are constantly under the thumb of Big
Busin...woops I mean Brother?  Here in the Great White North, air pollution
is not a big problem yet, but...?

What have you Californians been doing about the serious polluters? I'm
talking about diesel trucks, diesel locomotives, stationary engines, power
plants and finally a big one which no one mentions, jet aircraft.  The
average 747 puts out more atmospheric junk in one takeoff than any 10 LBCs
will do in their lifetimes.

You (the public) have fallen into a comfortable mode of blaming automobiles
and trying to circumvent draconian restrictions on your antique toys.  The
result here in Canada has been an incredible improvement in the quality and
performance of modern cars and the complete decimation of the corner
garage/filling station.  Automobiles have turned the corner and won the
efficiency sweepstakes while the owner/enthusiast/restorer has paid the
price - both financial and practical. But, the environmental mavens will
never be satisfied.  Each improvement achieved simply prods the regulation
of more improvements - meanwhile the real polluters keep on polluting and
chuckling over their wonderful diversion.

Today's automobiles are the most reliable, safest and most long-lived ever.
They are also the most soulless and boring ever.  They are fast, handle
well and do everything better than our poor old dinosaurs. They are filled
with devices which are designed to remove the human interface from control.
They are quieter, safer and more hypnotic than ever and they represent the
single biggest threat to the future of our hobby.

I believe that the only safe defense from the inevitable - which is the
passing of prohibitive legislation regarding "dangerous, polluting, junk
automobiles" is to begin a public outcry - and diversionary tactic -
against the real polluters.  The effect could be undertaken with the
assistance of the auto industry which recognizes that the enormous increase
in automobile costs is a direct result of the cost of the R & D and
inclusion of the host of environmental and "safety" devices mandated or
encouraged by the environmental threat.

The industry is already feeling the pinch as sales have not been so good
lately.  This, coupled with the large increases in price recently
announced, will accelerate decline.  What is needed is a message from
consumers which hits industry in its wallet.  When I attended the recent
auto show here, it was impossible to find a "decent" new car for less than
$20,000 Cdn. - except for the Chrysler Neon.  Pickup trucks under 20 grand
were base models with rubber mats and painted trim.  The average income in
Alberta is such that a new anything in this price range represents a
substantial portion of annual income.  We already have the oldest
population of licensed vehicles ever seen.  It is not going to get smaller.

In summary, the solution to the problem of ever-tightening restrictions is
to place some heat where it belongs - on the gross polluters.  Yes, it will
cost us all money.  The cost of cleaning up will be passed on to us
consumers as we are largely a captive client of industry.  However the real
benefits will be a cleaner environment and a chance to retain and enjoy our
toys for the future.


>Nolan,Nolan,Nolan...You seem to enjoy playing the game ,pulling the
>tricks to beat them,switching engines etc etc.I for one just want to
>drive my B and if I want to tweak it a little I will be able to do it.
>What I've been trying to say IS lets get rid of this legislation so we
>DON'T have to do all this crap!Lets get ourselves a PAC to buy votes
>Lets keep the pressure on the politicians to get sensible regulations on
>our cars.Playing games and "beating the system" won't get us anywhere.WE
>have to show them that older cars have very little impact on the overall
>picture and we MAY be willing to pay a fee to make up the smog license
>fee they may lose.If you don't like something ...YELL and SCREAM and get
>their attention other groups do and get favorable laws but just playing
>games with them doesn't get you anywhere,they don't even know you are
>doing it.

John McEwen

Edmonton, Alberta
In the Great White North
1949 Austin A40 Devon   1950 Standard Vanguard          1956 Chrysler 300B
1962 Sunbeam Alpine     1966 Austin Cambridge           1956 New Yorker Conv.
1970 MGB Roadster       1957 AJS Model 20               1961 Fury Sonoramic
1972 Ducati 450 T/S  1970 Norton Commando Fastback Mk 2 1963 Honda CB 92R
1982 Kawasaki KZ 1300   1975 Izh Planeta Sport 350      1940 H-D Model UA
1956 NSU Prima          1965 Zweirad Union Hummel       1960 Cushman Road
 Many other wierd things intended to separate my child from her inheritance.

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