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Re: Smogging the B

Subject: Re: Smogging the B
From: Nolan Penney <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:28:25 -0800
> Why should we HAVE to "play the game"?You don't seem to mind having to
> do all this crap to get to drive your car,I do!!

I mind.  That's why I fight it.  But I don't fight it by putting my car up on 
blocks and sulking about it.

> If enough of us raise a big
> stink the politicians will back down if they think they might not get
> re-elected.

Great!  Putting a car up on blocks and sulking about it won't change elections 
Fighting will.

>It seems you have been brainwashed and it is a
> shame that a fellow LBCer would not have enough huevos to stand up for
> what is only right.

You think it more noble to put a LBC up on blocks, and sulk.
I'd rather drive a LBC and fight the government.  
Just who's been brainwashed here???

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