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Re: Need MGB Hood (Bonnett)

To: Michael Carnell <>
Subject: Re: Need MGB Hood (Bonnett)
From: Allen Williams <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 17:03:13 -0800
Michael Carnell wrote:
> I am in need of a hood / bonnett for my MGB. Does anyone know of a good
> (read inexpensive) source? Especially helpful would be one in the South
> East.  Best I have come up with is about $140 with $60 to $100 shipping.
> Ouch!  or $170 + tax + me driving 100 miles to pick it up.
> Anyone got any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Michael
> --
> Data by Design
> Michael Carnell - Owner
I bought one in a junkyard in Atlanta for $50 about a year and a half
ago. Can't remember the name but it was just off I75 in the NW metro
area. The place specializes in Brit parts.

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