Lawrie wrote:
>On Thu, 23 Jan 1997 10:52:19 -0600 (CST)
>(Todd Mullins) writes:
>>How much does the (unladen) MGB weigh? The website lists "18.5 cwt";
>>what the hell is that?
>Ah, the joys of pre-metric English weights & measures!
>A "cwt." is 112lbs. (No idea what that is in kilos; I'm an old
>PS Just saw Bill Schooler's post. Sorry, Bill, you're only half right!
> "cwt." is the abbreviation for "hundredweight", but we Brits always like
>to give a bit extra....
Damn. Twenty lashes with a braided wiring harness are due for that
error. Thought 1850 was a bit on the light side.....