> I am considering moving to CA, and have some concerns over getting my 68MGB
> registered in that emision controlled nightmare. Also if anyone knows about
> getting a 66 BSA and 82 Yamaha motorcycle registered would be a help also.
> ANy one have any advise or how to get it done, or what to expect would be
> appreciated.
> Here in Milwaukee, WI, out of state vehicles have to be inspected (numbers on
> car match numbers on title) and than emissions tested for that year of car.
It' not nearly as bad as most people make it out to be. Your '68 is in
the first year in which IMPORTS had exhaust standards to meet, and they
are not that serious. Of more import is whether ALL the smog equipment
is present. They do a visual check, against a list, of all the stuff it
is supposed to have, but at least in '68 there were no California vs 49
state MGBs. Having something missing or intentionally disabled on a
rigged test car is one of the favorite tricks the smog nazis use to
check for a lax or crooked smog inspector, so they are pretty careful.
With all stuff there and a well tuned, reasonably running car, you have
nothing to worry about. In @30+ smog checks over the years (I have
mostly older, exempt cars) I have never had one fail yet. Cars get
"smogged" every two years and at transfer or original registration. At a
lot of local smog testers (they are independent) a normal "discount
price is about 17.95 + a 7.95 "certificate fee" Jarl