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BOUNCE mgs: Non-member submission from ["Denise Thorpe" <Denise_Thorpe@c

To: mgs
Subject: BOUNCE mgs: Non-member submission from ["Denise Thorpe" <>]
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 14:36:27 -0700 (MST)
     Date: 17 Jan 1997 20:41:57 -0800
     From: "Denise Thorpe" <>
     Subject: This is it!

Fellow MGers,

This is it, I'm leaving the old US of A for greener pastures on the 29th of
this month.  Are there pastures in London?  Well, if there are, they'll
certainly be greener than they are here in the southwest even with all this
rain.  I'll know one way or the other about my work permit on the 27th of this
month so if it gets denied, I'll be back on the 27th of February.  If it gets
approved (yippee!) you'll find my return ticket framed and hanging over my
settee when you come visit me.  Everyone is going to come visit me, right?

On the car front, The daily driver '67 B now has two-speed wipers (just in the
nick of time!) and one of these days I'll make them park and then mount the
motor so it stops banging around.  Now that the machine shop has found my
lifters, as soon as they've been reground this poor old car (250K miles) will
get a fresh engine and early overdrive tranny.  

The nightmare '67 B, my ongoing restoration project, soon to be sold to some
lucky person in the UK or Europe, has a fresh engine and runs, will soon have
an OD tranny with backup light switch, has brakes, new hubs, stainless steel
exhaust, trued wheels, new windshield rubber (did that today), etc.  However,
I can't test drive it because I don't intend to register it here.  This is the
car with the four row radiator core and a 160 degree thermostat.  Whoever buys
it once it gets to Europe will wonder why it never warms up.

Notice that I said it _will_ have an OD tranny with backup lights.  It has an
OD tranny in it now, but it got the only early tranny I own that doesn't have
a place for a backup light switch so I'll be switching trannies just for
drill.  Remember all that whining about having two '67 B's with backup lights
and no early OD trannies with backup light switches?  Well, it turns out that
two of my early OD trannies didn't have the switches, but they had the tapped
holes for them.  Doh!  

I just pulled the head off of the third '67 B and took it to the machine shop.
 I'll pull the engine and trans tonight, dismantle it and take it in tomorrow.
 It says here.  And I promise it will be running before I leave in two weeks
minus a day...and I won't raise my lips.

Say goodbye to the 1100's.  They'll all get sold when they get over there
along with my vast store of 1100 parts.  The only 1100's I'll be keeping are
the little Matchbox ones.  *Sniffle*.  Ya can't have everything.

Oh yes, and I'll be taking some clothes.  That's all the news from here.  I
knew you were all dying to know what I've been up to all this time.  Now you
know.  Ta ta.  Cheerio.  Pip pip.

Again, that number to find where I've gone once I know where I'll be, is (619)

Denise Thorpe

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  • BOUNCE mgs: Non-member submission from ["Denise Thorpe" <>], Mark J Bradakis <=