Fellow Fiends:
Well, I suppose that not being an originality afficianado carries with
it the problem that I'm not an originality expert, either ;) I've been
apprised by a couple of friendly listers that MGB's did, in fact, come
in several greys over the years, up to and including the LE in 80. I
stand corrected! Funny how much I learn when I stick my foot in my
mouth. :)
Thanks for all the friendly encouragement and suggestions, as well.
When the time comes, I'll announce what colour I finally went with and
then drag Rags round to the shows to show her off (but don't hold your
breath ... I'm thinking 2000 or 2001 or thereabouts; it'll be that long
at least before I a) get her running satisfactorily and b) come up with
the money for a paint job).
75 MGB 'Rags'