Doesn't seem that much is unanimously sacrilegious concerning Bs. People are
putting Fiero seats in them, cutting them up for small block chevy V8s,
making trailers out of the rear half, stetching them into limos, and on and
on. After what British Leyland itself did to them mid 74 or so, I guess
only something like purple velvet interiors would be universally scorned --
and then again, it wouldn't suprise me if someone dashes off a vigorous
defense of purple velvet interiors.
Michael, New Bern, NC
>Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 19:52:30 -0500
>From: W Warren Pruitt Jr <wpruitt@Charleston.Net>
>Subject: Almost Ready to Paint
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>Reply-To: W Warren Pruitt Jr <wpruitt@Charleston.Net>
>I have a '70 B roadster which has been re-born through better metalwork and
>is about a week away from the finish color. It was originally the "mustard"
>color, was repainted red, and I have decided to paint it the blue that was
>available only that year, Blue Royale. We got a sample from the paint
>dealer and like it. Anybody seen that color applied and does it look good?
>The fellow who will paint it is a real craftsman, and thinks that some
>pearl should be added to give some depth, that the non-metallic paint is
>too flat. Any thoughts to adding pearl to paint? Is this sacrilegious?
>By the way the code references to this particular color in Moss are no
>longer available. The only place that we could find the mix was through