At 06:43 PM 11/8/96 -0700, you wrote:
>Ross, So what exactly are you saying? Can I go down to my local NAPA and
>pick up some fine or coarse thread SAE bolts for use on the GT or do I have
>to continue to strip old B's for bolts or pay extortion to suppliers. I
>have also been unable to locate a set of Whitworth tap&dies. Are they even
>necessary? Another question for the Canadian autoworker-when did Canada
>invent rock and roll?
>Paul Graham
Hi Paul,
Actually it's not quite as simple as it seems. (Is it ever?) ALMOST all the
hardware on an MGB is UNF/UNC which is (are?) the same as SAE. The only
exceptions I know of being assorted tiny bits and pieces in instruments and
SU carbs. For the most part though, yes you can go to your local
bits-and-pieces guy and buy your hardware from him. Same applies to MGA's.
Probably 95% of all hardware on a B is UNF/SAE Fine.
As a B owner you never need worry about Whitworth anything. If you plan to
remachine the bodies of your carbs or clean up the threads on the fittings
inside your speedometer you may want to familiarize yourself with British
Association (BA) but I wouldn't recommend it. That way lies madness......
As an interesting footnote; you may (or may not) be envious of T sreies
owners but consider this. All hardware fittings except the engine are
Whitworth Standard on a T except the small bits and trim fittings which are
BA. The motor itself is assembled with something affectionately known as
Lord Nuffields Mad Metric which consists of Whitworth heads on metric
threads. Just in case this isn't problem enough, the metric thread pattern
is a pre-war French standard that was dropped even by the french so SI
metric hardware you buy today doesn't fit. If you think you were getting
fleeced buying nuts and bolts for your B, try buying con-rod bolts for an
XPAG engine!