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Re: Why standard?

Subject: Re: Why standard?
From: Ross MacPherson <>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 13:23:05 -0800
At 04:03 AM 11/8/96 UT, you wrote:
>Here's a newbie question... If MGs are british cars, why are all the nuts 
>bolts etc on these cars standard instead of metric?  Were they just being 
>conciderate to us Americans?
Hi Wade and welcome to the fold!
Prior to 1946 British industry used the Whitworth standard of threads and
wrench sizes. This system is based on the Imperial measurement system but
differs from the North American Imperial standard such that the two are
completely different.  While the Whitworth thread is arguably better than
the SAE pattern Britains industry was in such a state after the war that
they needed massive aid to retool for peacetime production.  Naturally most
of this aid came from North America with its different standard.  Some time
shortly after the end of the war British, American and Canadian Poohbah's
met and decided to adopt a new standard called Unified Standard thus we have
UNF and UNC on both sides of the pond and Whitworth became an orphan.  (Ask
a T series owner for details...)
As far as metrification goes I have no idea when (or if) British industry
ever made the jump.  If they're anything like our fearless leaders in Canada
they'll have a century long transition period.  (ask a Canadian who works in
industry for details, then duck)
Inches come from Britain ( Rolls Royce, MG, Jaguar, etc.) and meters come
from France (Citroen, le CAR, etc). Any Questions?

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