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Re: MGB cooling

Subject: Re: MGB cooling
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 11:55:01 -1000
>>Ideally you want an electric fan to SUCK air through the radiator - 
>>therefore it should be placed BEHIND the radiator.

>The 'pushing' fans do loose a heck of a lot of air, has anyone fitted a shroud 
>and is it worth it?  

Short and sweet comment here.  I used to have a TR3A with a major 
overheating problem when I moved to S.California.  I installed an electric 
fan to the front of the radiator and wired it to the heater fan knob on the 
dash, a variable type electric switch.  When stuck in traffic the temp 
would start to rise, I would twist the knob, the fan would kick in, I would 
adjust the fan speed with the switch, the temp would drop, and all was 
well.  If I remember right it was a 14" fan I got from Pep Boys or Track 
Auto.  For normal driving I just left the electric fan turned off, medium 
traffic and I would run tha fan at half speed, bad traffic and the fan ran 
on high.

I now live in N.California (for the time being), drive a Midget (1978), and 
the only heating problem I've had was this week when a hose sprung a small 

Mike_J2 (getting ready to move again, possibly)

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