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Re: MGB Cooling

Subject: Re: MGB Cooling
From: (David Deutsch)
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 11:37:52 -0700
You wrote: 
this car hits above 220 sometimes on a hot day (90F +). I'm told that
>this is not unusual as these cars were designe for a much more 
>climate. Also, about 2 years ago I hit 230+ on this climb and the 
>Wetter since may havehelped. Any thoughts? I have heard of putting in 
>up radiator ...hate to do it unless absolutely necessary. However, 

It sounds like you have some cirulation problems. you may want to give 
the cooling system a good flushing out.64, I believe, had block drain 
plugs near bottom. 30 years can accumulate an awful lot of stuff in a 
cooling system 
>Also, thanks for your comments on British Miles. I, too, had a few bad
>experiences with them and this list is a useful way to check with 
others on a supplier. 
>Bruce Durgin

We are all in this together and need to watch out for one another. I 
hope that all others who may have had bad experiences with companies 
will let the rest of us know so we can steer clear of similar problem. 
David Deutsch

What's on your agenda? MG on the Rocks in September? 

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