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Re: How "normal" people feel about their cars

To: David Councill <>
Subject: Re: How "normal" people feel about their cars
From: Kevin Sullivan <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 14:34:18 -0600 (MDT)
On Fri, 17 May 1996, David Councill wrote:

> Its like the Chevrolet dealer told me - all the car is supposed to do is 
> get you from point A to point B. Worse yet, most of these newer cars 
> insulate you from the true driving experience. Sound insulation, power 
> steering, and other "enhancements" take away the true driving experience. 

Yeah, I feel less safe driving my wife's minivan (even with it's airbags 
and other advanced safety features) because I'm less aware of what's 
going on around me.  Crank up that really nice stereo and forget it, you 
don't even know you're on the road.  Scary.  In the MGA, if someone's 
driving in my blind spot I know they're there because I can hear their 

> Then there is the mechanical experience. How do you tune these new electronic
> gadgets?

Another thing that makes you feel less in control.

Kevin Sullivan -- 1960 MGA 
Khoral Research Inc.            ,-----/__,---,
Albuquerque NM USA              `(_)------(_)'

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