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How "normal" people feel about their cars

Subject: How "normal" people feel about their cars
From: Kevin Sullivan <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 1996 08:26:46 -0600 (MDT)
This isn't a rant, just rambling thoughts while driving to work.

Noticing other people driving to work in their non-lbc's.  Got me to 
thinking.  Most of them look still asleep.  I'm ON!  Of course I'm 
driving an MGA instead of a Honda.  I doubt if many of these people shout 
out "YES!!!" while driving to work, simply because the sights, sounds, 
and feel of it is so ... something.  If you're feeling really superior, 
you can shout "I RULE!!!" :)  Anyway, I was thinking that most of these 
people _don't_ think about their cars, unless something breaks.  Their 
cars are appliances.  Like refrigerators.  If it stops working they call 
a repair shop.  If it's going to cost a lot to fix, they throw it away 
and buy a new one.  I'm onto something here.  They don't spend time 
cleaning, adjusting, and polishing their toasters.  Same goes for their 
cars.  (I have a beautiful collection of vintage Sunbeams, BTW, and 
several other non-Sunbeam models.)  Of course to some people their car is 
a status symbol, something to look good and make them feel important, or 
something.  They polish their cars to show off (or pay someone else to 
polish it).  Whatever.

Hey, it's Friday!  Everyone have a good day at work, then get in your lbc 
and shout "YES!!!  I RULE!!!" and see if anybody looks at you funny.  
Drive, drive, drive.  Have a good weekend.

Kevin Sullivan -- 1960 MGA 
Khoral Research Inc.
Albuquerque NM USA

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