I'm sure you'll get lots of responses on this, but check Hemmings for ads on
bebulinding instruments, I think Nissonger (sp?) may be able to do the work.
Nisonger Gauge Repair
Bob Castagnetta, Proprietor
570 Mamaroneck Ave.
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
(914) 381-1952
On a related subject, I have a Jaeger mechanical tach which was rebuilt, and
an original Jaeger Speedometer that I don't need. Does anyone need/want them?
> Anyone know where a Jaeger oil pressure gauge could be rebuilt?Or is it
> possible to rebuild it myself?
Milo Kral email: kral@anvil.nrl.navy.mil
Code 6324 phone: (202) 767-2622
Naval Research Lab