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Air Pump questions

Subject: Air Pump questions
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 1996 22:41:30 -0500

I DO notice the difference with the air pump off.  Seems to me that one more
drag off of the front pulley means just a bit more oomph that my car has to
run with.

If I recall, one of the reasons the 77+ B's have electric fans is to reduce
the drag on the engine, since it's so mother-choked with emissions controls
and other power-robbing devices otherwise.  If the designers thought this
might be a good way to boost power on the car, who am I to argue with them.

I have a complete air rail, pump, Z-S carburettor, flame trap, manifold,
exhaust system and all attendant hoses and belts on the off chance that some
inspection-licence wielding pump jockey decides to fail my car on 'lack of
proper emissions controls'.  I'm of two minds on this: one says, if they
tighten restrictions and someone decides to fail my car, I'll spend 12 hours
a year putting on and then, after inspection, taking off the bloody emissions
hardware; the other says, hell with it. If they fail it on that, tag it as an
antique vehicle. If that fails, move the registration to Alabama.  The third
of my two minds says, (arithmetic was never my strong suit), if the car is
properly tuned, even without that hardware it ought to pass all but a
Californicated smog test.  Currently, I run with a Weber 32/36 DGAV downdraft
carb, stainless headers, monza exhaust, and nothing left of the emissions but
the crankcase breather to carbon cannister connexion.  I have a stock cam and
bore, a rebuilt 79 motor with the original 75 water pump and a Lucas 25D
destributor. Works for me, and exhaust is pretty clean on unleaded fuel.

DISCLAIMER: It is a felony to mucker with the emissions controls on your car
in any way, shape or form. I do not advise that you change them in any way.


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