This reminds me of the first time I drove my Bugeye.
My wife and I had just picked up the car from the PO in Gilroy and were
driving up 280 to go to Los Altos Hills to celebrate at some restaurant.
As we're singing up the hill in the right lane, 4100 rpm in 4th gear, speedo
bouncing wildly about the 45-80 range, I turn to the missus, "Man we really
must be zooming along now. It's practically at redline!" I quipped with a
big grin.
Just at that point, a Ford Granada (grenade?) decides to pass us up the hill
in the middle lane. I looked over and stared in surprised wonderment, my
eyes were at the exact height of the door handles.
As he passed me I caught a glimpse of his digital dash, the speedometer read
48 mph.
I guess a 4.55 rear end, and shorter 185/60/13 tires really cuts into the top
Miq Millman 503 642 6139 (Aloha site)
AL4-55 Intel, 5200 NE Elam Young Parkway, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6497
See also