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Re: British V8 Newsletter:Good News/Bad News

To: James Jewell <>,
Subject: Re: British V8 Newsletter:Good News/Bad News
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2006 10:40:30 -0500
In-reply-to: <>
References: <> <> <>
Reply-to: Barrie Robinson <>

Get away from those printers !!! I used Mail Boxes Etc. to do 100 copies of a 72 page book on rowing ( It had a glossy hard cover (in blue) PLUS a clear plastic cover AND was punched and then had a spirelox spline fixed. Cost was $6.28 which in your funny money is $5.45. They used 11 x 17 sheets and had a program that set up the print job so that when they guillotined the sheets the sequence was correct! Can someone who is in to this web thing host the Newsletter. I am trying to get one up for my O-rings, SS grilles etc and I would not mind having a button that downloaded the Newsletter.

At 06:08 PM 2/11/2006, James Jewell wrote:
Good news is that the issue is back from the printer's, and will go out Monday and Tuesday. More good news is that they screwed up and used a glossy paper for the cover, which looks really sharp, and they couldn't charge me for it. The bad news, is that it weighs more, which bumps us up over the next postage increment: This leads to the bigger question of finances.

It costs a little over $3.00 per issue to have it printed, stapled and folded. The postage will be about ~$1.00 an issue. Keeping our web hosting is currently about $200 a year, which is ~$2.00 an issue with the 100+ subscribers we're down to. There is also the cost of maintaining the BritishV8 web name as our own exclusive property. That adds up to ~$6.00+ an issue. There is some money coming in from advertisers, but that doesn't greatly shift the equation.

So, as you can see, by charging only $5.00 an issue, I run the risk of paying out of my own pocket to make the newsletter happen.

What I need to know is what people think about raising the price per issue, vs. ceasing the newsletter altogether. Let your voices be heard. Unfortunately, I feel bad about charging $6 for something that is 1/4 the size of a "real" magazine that would cost you half as much at the news stand, but such are the economics of small scale publishing.

Even if I stay with the non-glossy paper, the postage has still gone up. I can look at ways of decreasing the publishing costs, if I request bids from publishers and tie in for a year or so at a time, but I'm not sure what that will save me, since they will still have to mail a big hunk of paper to me each issue. Plus, I'm not sure I have the time to do a competitive source selection with industry once a year. I can also look at cheaper web hosting, but again, I'm not sure what that will save.

So tell me what you all think. You'll never have the chance to tell Congress how to spend your money, so this is as close as you'll get.
Enjoy it.
James Jewell


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060
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