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Water ports in the block

To: mgb-v8 <>
Subject: Water ports in the block
From: "James J." <>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 10:45:50 -0500
Reply-to: "James J." <>
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Ok everybody.
The other day I noticed that the two openings on the front of my block (3.9) where the water passes from the water pump/timing cover are not the same shape as the ports on the Buick timing covers that I have. The ports on the pump side are mostly rectangular, while the ones on the block are more of a trapezoid. I said to myself "this must be for the newer waterpumps" and "I'll trace the gasket onto the block and grind open the block to match the gasket and timing cover". My logic was that the block opening was much smaller than the pump opening, and that getting them to match would reduce turbulence, increase flow and help with the cooling problems of these engines.
So after I did this, and was feeling good about myself, I was looking through the Hardcastle book on the Rover V8, and I noticed that ALL of the Rover blocks had this mismatched port design, including the early ones that used distributors. Unfortunately I couldn't find any Buick block pictures. So now I'm thinking it was designed that way for a reason, and I'm wondering how bad I screwed things up by doing this. Did I weaken a highly stressed area of the block?

All thoughts are welcome

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