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Re: Changing front springs

To: "Barrie Robinson" <>, "J. Barry Waterland" <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Changing front springs
From: "Telewest \(PH\)" <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 12:59:10 +0100
References: <> <>
Reply-to: "Telewest \(PH\)" <>
It *is* a chore, and you don't need to do anything with the springs to
change the bearings or vice-versa.  If both are needed they would be tackled
separately anyway, I can't really imagine going half-way with one then
starting the other.  As long as the bottom A-arm to stub-axle bolt comes out
OK (with the car securely supported on axle stands and a jack lifting the
spring pan clear of the rebound rubbers) there really isn't much more than
that to changing a spring.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Barrie Robinson" <>
To: "J. Barry Waterland" <>; <>;
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 8:59 PM
Subject: RE: Changing front springs

> The article says to remove the wheels AND bearings.  I think setting the
> bearings up perfectly is a bit of a chore - I think??   Someone described
> something like just jacking up the suspension sans wheel only, undoing,
> dropping, replacing and all so simple - or was I dreaming?

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