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Re: Good News & Bad (Engine Questions)

To: "Glenn" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Good News & Bad (Engine Questions)
From: "Michael Hartwig" <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 13:48:41 -0500
References: <>
Reply-to: "Michael Hartwig" <>
How good is this machine shop?  I'm a little worried that they don't know
what oversize to go to.

You measure all the bores and find the biggest one, then go to the closest
oversize.  1 or my bores was .008 over, so I could either go with .010 or
.020"   Better make sure you can get the pistons BEFORE he bores anything

If he's any good, he should be able to find guides for it.  Mine did, they
were from another vehicle, but he was able to machine them to fit.

I ordered some of my parts from RPI.  They have Vandervell (sp?) bearings

Have you tried Rover's North for the other parts?


> I just heard from my engine shop.
> My '89 Range Rover 3.9L engine needs:
> 1.  Cylinders bored.  I'll need oversize pistons.
> He'll need to bore the cylinders before I know the
> oversize.
> 2.  Exhaust valves.
> 3.  New guides (all 16).
> 4.  Camshaft.
> 5.  Lifters.
> 6.  Timing Chain.
> 7.  Complete gasket set for 3.9.
> 8.  Bearings.
> 9.  He hasn't measured the crank yet to see if it
> needs to be turned.
> I know I can get the cam and lifters from either Ted
> or JEGs etc.  I don't know where to get the rest of
> the parts without going to a Rover parts place and
> paying a rediculous amount of money.
> Any suggestions on parts suppliers other than either
> online Rover parts places or the local Rover
> dealership?
> Thanks,

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