For most V-8 conversions, a 9" Ford rear is overkill. Most common rears seem
to be Ford 8" and MGC. Since the MGC rears are becoming very rare, the 8"
Ford is the most common choice at this time. They are good for at least 300
hp, and more, with the proper aftermarket axles.
If I had an engine that I thought was good for 400 hp, I would stay with the
9" Ford that you have. If you think it is overkill, consider that 400 hp may
also be overkill. Most conversions I have seen are well under 300 HP.
Jim Stuart
1974 MGBGT 4.2 Rover, 8" Ford
1966 MGB 215 Buick, MGC 3.70
1974 MGBGT 300 Buick under construction, 8" Ford
Reply to <>
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Mclean, John R
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 11:17 AM
To: ''
Subject: 9" Rear End
Does anyone know the location of an early, light weight Ford 9" rear
housing that someone is willing to part with. I have a heavy duty, very
strong 9" truck housing but it is heavy overkill for a B rear end. I would
also be willing to trade or sell my housing to anyone who wants it. It has
already been sandblasted and coated with rust inhibitor.
John McLean
79B 350 Chevy 400 HP?
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