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Re: Oil Slinger

To: Glenn <>
Subject: Re: Oil Slinger
From: David Kernberger <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 17:23:43 -0700
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: David Kernberger <>

        To my way of thinking it makes sense to use the slinger every time,
because it might reduce the amount of oil to reach the seal.  Don't know
what others may think.  Do Rover engines come with a slinger originally?
The slinger was used in the BOP 215 and Buick 300 engines which had the
old-style "rope" seal.  Some might argue, therefore, that it is not
necessary with the newer lip seals.  Do what you think is best.

Dave Kernberger


>Since I didn't receive any response from my last
>email, I thought I'd try again.
>Does anyone know if I need to reuse my oil slinger on
>the crankshaft from my Buick 215 on my Rover 3.9.  I'm
>reusing the Buick timing cover if that makes a
>I'm off to Savannah for a few days on a vacation.  For
>those who know me, I plan on doing the unheard of
>tonight, propose.  I could buy a lot of new car parts
>for the price of that ring :-)  But I guess there is
>more to life than cars.  She does like the V8.  We
>took the V8 on one of our first dates, right after it
>was just built with the new alloy wheels.  We had a
>wheel come off while driving (the wheels tend to
>loosen up on the first ride).  It didn't seem to
>bother her any so I guess that means she's a keeper.
>Plus she wants a Midget for a daily driver, so it
>isn't all bad.
>Thanks and I hope everyone is out enjoying their cars.
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