for what it's worth - To carry the 302 power safely, I got a Mopar 8 3/4 rear
end free from an old Charger, bought a posi unit for $250 and had it narrowed
and MG spring perches welded on for $400 by Jeg's in Columbus, Ohio, then had
the axles shortened, splined, and refitted with 4 X 4-1/2 circle studs by
Moser for under $100... then had the whole mess 'set up' for another $35 by a
local prop shaft shop who just happened to like the 8 3/4. It's strong and
maybe lighter than the 9" Ford, but if I had it to do over, I'd get the 9".
If you go for the small Ford, be careful about using the c-clips with lots of
power... you may want to look into eliminating them with aftermarket axles,
then you can get the proper stud bolt spacing to match the front... you can
have new drums redrilled at a local machine shop. Some more money would buy
you a rear disc setup, but they always seem to want to throw in 5 studs...
then you're back to mismatched front/rear wheels. I put Ford brakes, drums,
and backplates on my Mopar, but it was a nuisance.
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