I haven't been active on the list for awhile, the V8
has been running great, no problems at all. I've been
busy with the restoration of the house, the
purchase of a TR7 beater / daily driver, etc etc etc.
My girlfriend and I have been planning a trip from
Upstate NY to Maine to visit our families over the
4th. This was going to be the first big trip in
the V8 (it only has about 1000 miles on it). We've
been planning this for a few months, staying off the
highways, going through VT and NH.
Tonight I was doing a few things before the trip,
changing the oil, checking the tach using my new fancy
multimeter tool etc. The car was idling in my
garage just fine as always at 900 RPM. Then the car
died. Not sputting, nothing, just like someone shut
off the car. It would not restart. I'm currently
using a Petronix Ignitor. Have not had any problems
with it. I'm getting 11.5 on the plus side of the
coil with key off, about 9.0 with the car cranking.
The MSD coil is extremely hot. I ran a wire from the
battery to the + side of the coil, and got about 11V
with the car cranking. Not difference. Tried boosting
the car from my truck, no difference. Car is cranking
just fine.
I'm thinking a bad Petronix unit. I'll order one
tomorrow morning, so it will get here on Thursday
(hopefully). I'll replace the 26A size battery
that is a few years old, just to be safe. Money isn't
an object at this point, I just want the car to drive
back home.
Any thoughts, suggestions, words of encouragement?
'65 Autodynamics Formula Vee (Awaiting Restoration)
'73 MGBV8 My baby
'75 TR7 Daily Driver / Beater
'97 Toyota T100
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