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Thanks, maybe plugs?

Subject: Thanks, maybe plugs?
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 20:48:06 EDT
Thanks for the responses, I've received so far, I'm sure I'll receive some 
more tonight and in the morning.  The general consensus was to try towing it, 
which if I haven't started it by next weekend, I'll try that (gotta finish 
the clutch hydraulics first).

I poured a little gas straight down in the carb.  Outside of making the 
garage smell like gas, it didn't do anything.  Its odd that I'm getting no 
combustion whatsoever.  I have spark, if I pull the lead going to the 
distributor, it easily jumps 1/4" and snaps pretty good.  But the spark if I 
pull one of the plugs is pretty minimal. Could I possibly be using the wrong 
plugs.  They seem awfully short to me, as far as the threaded part that goes 
into the head.  I'm using AC Delco R45 plugs.  The factory manual calls for 
45FFS. Could that be my problem?  I'll switch plugs tomorrow either way to 
the Champion RN12YC plugs, that Jim S. recommended in an earlier post.


Saw that new MR2 spyder on tv today.  Definitely has more personality than a 
Miata.  Anybody actually seen one in person?

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