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Ian's leaving?

Subject: Ian's leaving?
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 14:32:11 EST
What's this? Ian Pender is packing up and going home? Ian, the MGV8
Conventions just won't be the same without you!

Carl in Tennessee
'79 MGB (future V8)

<<Most of my barn for sale. 

I am in the next year, planning to return to Scotland, this will B
a great relief to the people I have managed to upset over in
the US over the past 12 years. It will be a pleasure returning
to people who have a sense of humour (British spelling) and
do not have illusions of grandeur also are not politically
correct. A fagot in Scotland is something you put on the fire.
Anyway, I have four mg
returned to UK. Your choice. One V8 roadster 78, one 4cl with
o/d roadster (41,000 mls) second owner 71, one 4cyl with o/d
74 ( reg 75) all chrome bumper and all in excellent shape. If
anyone of you has seen my cars you will appreciate them.
(Unless you are a trailer Queen) plus Full Mont1 my pet 52 TD
which is a blast. I will be sorry to let any of them go as I have
had a lot of laughs and frustrations with them and they are
part of the family. I sold a 75B a few years ago which I built
for my wife Gini from a piece of %^* to a show car and we still
talk about that car. So you want to buy my family? Go to and you can see their
intimate details.They are all up for adoption (no eastern bloc
or Korean) steel in any of them. Spuriously Ian.

Contact: Ian Pender <>
Hamilton Square, New Jersey, USA
Tel: 609 890 2959, Fax: 609 890 9261

Advert placed 14-Mar-1999 at 04:54 (UK time) Advert expires 11-Apr-1999>>

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