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Re: [Mg-t] leaking carbs

To: "'John Seim'" <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Mg-t] leaking carbs
From: "Gene Fodor" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 13:09:30 -0400
Indeed, all the remedies have been talked about, but how about this one:
I use Store-it, Start-It in the tank. Not only does it help clean out the
junk, but keeps the octane rating right up there when the car is stored
unlike Sta-Bil.
It is said to be a help with ethanol that is in so much of the fuels today.

---Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
John Seim
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 11:06 AM
Cc: MG
Subject: Re: [Mg-t] leaking carbs

Just about all of the remedies have been mentioned.
The float lever is probably stuck. Later covers had a stop for the 
lever, and there
was a tang on the lever, to bend. The tang would contact the stop, 
keeping the
lever from dropping too low, and having the needle angle prevent the 
lever from
returning up. A simple rap to the float bowl, or float bowl nut, should 
free the lever.

It could also be a float with a hole in it that has dropped, or dirt 
between the needle
and seat, but a stuck lever is first to look at.

Had the car sat for a few months, and you were not getting fuel to one 
carb, then the
needle had stuck to the seat. Happens with Grose jets as well. Some 
carb cleaner spray
onto the needle, and the seat area, will solve this problem.

John Seim
Irvine, CA

On Sep 1, 2008, at 12:30 PM, herb strachman wrote:

> Hi,
>  When I turn on my ignition switch I have gasoline flowing from the
> carburetors over flow pipes. This happens without starting the car.  
> Any
> suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Herb

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