On 2/9/06, Dave & Liz DuBois <ddubois@sinclair.net> wrote:
> Scott's wiring instructions for the third brake light is good for cars
> without turn signals. If your car has turn signals, you still hook the
> third brake light to the green/purple wire, but you have to connect it
> at the point where it exits the brake light switch. On cars with turn
> signals, the green/purple wire goes up to the turn signal relay and is
> routed to whichever side is not flashing when the turn signal is on so
> that the opposit side acts as a normal stop light.
> Cheers,
> Dave
Hi Dave,
In case anyone else is wondering this is how my car is wired and it works as
it's supposed to...
S= brake Switch
R?= switch Relay, (if you have one)
J= Junction where the wire from the switch splits one going to the driver'
side light and the other the passenger's
F= where the Flasher wire comes in.
L= Tail light.
---- = wire that carries power when the brake is depressed.
3rd = 3rd brake light.
P= Passenger Side
D= Driver Side
P ----------F-----L
D S----R?------------J/3rd-----F-----L
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