A misadjusted emergency brake will cause the brake shoes to drag a
small amount and as heat builds up they will expand, making the
situation worse. This has happened on my MGB. A more likely scenario
is that you have a bad flex line to the rear brakes, one that has a flap
on the inside of the line that is not allowing the hydraulic pressure to
be released when the brake pedal is released (I would suspect this
rather than a master cylinder, which would affect all four wheels). The
other possibility would be a damaged brake line going back to the flex
hose. Inspect the line for any crimps/pinched areas. I think that I
would replace the flex hose arbitrarily to eliminate the most likely
culprit. If the problem ever reoccurs, try cracking the bleed screw on
one of the rear wheels while everything is still bound up and see if
this releases the pressure. If it does, you have verified that the
problem is a blocked pressure release for the rear wheels.
Good luck,
PS. I had just this problem on a buss that I drove for the YMCA years
ago. I had to stop every few miles and crack the pleeder to get through
my route.
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