...so I finished my suspension rebuild with V8 bushings, put on 4 freshly
Kryloned rebuilt dampers, blasted and refinished all five wheels, swapped those
bias plies I bought in 1980 for a new set of Dunlop radials and went for a
ride. My my! Why have I been driving on rocks for so long. But, alas, a new
problem. I had taken out my tach and speedo and sent them to Moma for "the
magic." I also wrapped a piece of rag around the end of the speedo cable to
keep the lube from soaking my argyles. The rag did its twisty thing once the
cable got to spinning and of course something popped. Now, no cable action.
Is it likely just the cable snapped and can I pull it out of the armor and
slide a replacement in? Or is it more likely the drive cog in the gearbox
/// mg-t@autox.team.net mailing list