Hi there,
Just got in from GOF70 at Rochester NY, 412 miles each way. The top (hood)
was down all the way, the heck with the rain. I was a little bit disappointed
with Lazarus' hill climbing ability. It was more than just the effects of the
4.3 rear end gears. This was the first bit of distance motoring since I'd
installed the Pertronix. On Saturday, at the GOF, I was showing someone how
easy it is to install the Pertronix unit when I discovered a problem that I'd
created. Inside of the distributor, the insulation on the red wire showed that
I had pinched it between the cap and the distributor body. The result was that
the plate could not rotate to advance the spark!
Just thought I'd pass it on. BTW, the trip home today was great with the
advance back in the distributor. Oh yes, I didn't use US20 at all. Didn't dare
slow down or I'd have gotten wet, so I stuck with I-90.
Bud Krueger