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Hypothetical question about driving a TC

Subject: Hypothetical question about driving a TC
From: (Mark Hineline)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 08:57:14 -0700 (PDT)
This question is hypothetical, because I do not now have a TC. But if I 
did have one -- and an MGTC is high up my life list of material wants -- 
I would want to drive it on back roads, primarily unpaved roads. I can't 
see driving it on freeways or "surface roads" here in Southern 
California.  There'd be no joy in it. But anyone who has been around 
Flagstaff, Arizona, knows that the national forest lands there are 
riddled with logging roads that are open to public carriage. That's where 
I see myself driving a T. 

So on to the question: am I correct in believing that the ground clears 
and larger wheel diameter of a TC make it a competent off-pavement machine?

Mark Hineline

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