A couple years ago I saw a great idea in Military Vehicles
Magazine for bleeding brakes. Get a quart or 1/2 gallon pump-up
(hudson type) bug sprayer at your local hardware store and plumb
it, with shut-off valve, to a spare master cylinder cover. Place a
quart of your favorite brake brew into the sprayer tank, a couple
pumps, and then just go around the vehicle opening the bleed
valves. No pumping the pedal, and lots of volume. I would suggest
that on TC's, keep the pressure low, as the reservoir is just a tin
A flat plate, rubber gasket and u-bolts are suggested for modern
pressed steel type master cylinder covers if a spare can not be
found (dual resevoirs... two inlets?).
The author recommended bleeding brakes every year or two as
conventional (DOT 3 ?) fluid will absorb water from the air.