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RE: 1954 MGTF 1500 RHD - Its Alive!!!! :-)

To: "MGT" <>,
Subject: RE: 1954 MGTF 1500 RHD - Its Alive!!!! :-)
From: "Roger D. Thompson" <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 18:36:18 -0500
Hi Kevin, You said

I discovered Sunday morning that it was only because the new tack drive
gearbox that I installed on the back of the generator wasn't screwed in
all the way and it was pivoting over and touching the coil wire screw

If it can do this then the distributor is installed 45 degrees out, it can be 
timed correctly in any of four places.  See pages
24,26, 28 and 71 of Clausager's for views of the correct placement.  I know 
only 71 shows the TF but the coil wire should be in the
same place on all T's.  Save yourself some grief in advance and move the coil 
screw to the correct position.


1950 TD1854
The Woodlands, Texas

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