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RE: Funny Smell at Speed

To: "'David C Littlefield'" <>,
Subject: RE: Funny Smell at Speed
From: "Hermance, Jonathan" <Jonathan_Hermance@ATK.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 09:30:34 -0500
A slipping clutch might get hot enough to smell funny at sustained speed.

-----Original Message-----
From: David C Littlefield []
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Funny Smell at Speed

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999 20:24:36 EDT writes:
>This may sound funny but my TD has a funny smell above 50 mph. My only 
>thought is blow-by, but the compression is good and it doesn't smell 
>exhaust. Is this a normal smell?

Gee, Bob, do you live in Arkansas?  If so, you need to pass that
truckload of chickens!

Seriously, it is hard to tell what your problem might be from your
description.  Does it smell like burning oil, for example?  Any smoke? 
Does it smell like fuel?  Although the TD is far from airtight, I would
still be concerned about any exhaust leaks into the cockpit.  Please be
sure that is not the problem, carbon monoxide is no joke.

It may be nothing to worry about, like oil burning off the exhaust, but
don't ignore it until you figure it out!

David Littlefield
Houston, TX
'62 MGA MkII
'51 MGTD
'88 Jaguar XJ-S

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