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Downunder Question

To: mg-t@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Downunder Question
From: Russ Wilson <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 07:46:42 -0700
Do we have any Australians on the list?

In Deidre Pyle's delightful little book, "MG TC's - Drive Them 'til the
Roads Wear Out," I noticed the following entry in the extensive list of
spares she and her husband carried on their around-the-world tour: 5
exhaust olives.

Also listed are 5 exhaust valves, so I guessed the two are related, i.e.,
that the olives are part of the valve train and not muffler clamps or the
like.  But I have had my TC's engine apart down to the last oilway plug and
recall nothing that I would refer to as an "olive".  

Must be local dialect (the Pyles are from Perth) for something common, I
thought.  If so it's a winner!  I dearly would like to refer to my TC's
whatever as an "exhaust olive."  It sounds just quaint enough to fit the
car's image.

Can anyone translate for me?

Russ Wilson
San Diego, California

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