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Re: 4 ring piston knowledge(NON LSR)

Subject: Re: 4 ring piston knowledge(NON LSR)
From: "todd" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:13:14 +0000
And those were all comprised of 3 compression rings with one oil control 
ring to boot(never messed with two oil rings sperated like this). If Chris's 
idea of the lower being there as a support ring is true I would guess 
the "expander" ring is really an absorber ring instead to take the skirt 
thrust(personally I'd like to cut the lower .500" off the piston, fit it 
at .003" and go on with what I know - the customer's not going to go for 
that though). 
Also would like a rational thought on ring end gaps of the oil rings once my 
placement is decided on.
Thanks to everyone willing to throw their thoughts out(hope my closing in my 
other reply didn't come across wrong Atto). I like new shit and learning, I 
just like it when it's mine to learn on and I can pull it apart in a month 
to see how it's doing,

> The Indians I've done were 4 ring setups, but this is the 
> first i've done with one below the wristpin 

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