I would highly suggest reading this file.
Whoever posted it previously, thank you. Higher prices creating lower demand is
a fantasy solution. It creates hardships and misery for millions who need gas
to go to work, go to scholl, go to a doctor's appointment, etc. While a handful
get profits and salaries that are purely obscene.
-----Original Message-----
>From: 3 liter <saltfever@comcast.net>
>Sent: May 23, 2006 4:40 PM
>To: Nt788@aol.com
>Cc: land-speed submit <land-speed@autox.team.net>
>High prices LOWER demand, which builds confidence in number 1 (below). -Elon
>-----Original Message-----
>(snip. . . ) From: Nt788@aol.com Subject: Re: NON-LSR OIL & GASOLINE INFO
>(1) Oil is so important to me that my option would be to incentivize its
>continued supply rather than put obstacles in the way or disincentives to
>discourage or thwart long-term supply. Thanx, -Elon
>(2) High prices, = high tax revenue to wage war, and preserve our life
>style. Same with any immigration solution! Nebulous Theorem