Hi Bob:
You are right, I fail to see the rip-off, most likely due to my ignorance.
Would you care to paint a better picture with some facts or comparisons.
Since oil is so precious and is needed for petro-chemicals, fertilizers,
synthetic materials, medicines, machines, food production, stuff really
important for our health and quality of life (and a car too) it is serious
when 60% (as Ed pointed out) of this intrinsic need is imported (i.e.,
DEPENDENT) on the rest of the world!
I thought Tom Bryant's post was incredibly informative. It gave a very
balanced, overall, perspective. Perhaps you could compare costs of exploring
for unknown reserves, product distribution, capitol improvements to existing
infrastructure, marketing, regulation, duties, foreign taxes, bribes?,
depreciation, WAGES, dividends, US Taxes, well-depletion, research and new
technologies to enhance efficiency of poorly performing wells, insurance
(Katrina replacements), the painfully long legislation and litigation
process to build a refinery or explore new territory, licenses to foreign
governments. I don't have a clue about the cost of that stuff but it ALL has
to be paid by the consumer. There ain't anybody else to do it. I'm not being
adversarial here, I just don't know how much of every gallon is devoted to
all of the above. If I did, it would help me understand you point of view
better. Right now I'm kind of neutral on all of this stuff but with some
real facts I could form a realistic opinion. Oil is so important to me that
my option would be to incentivize its continued supply rather than put
obstacles in the way or disincentives to discourage or thwart long-term
supply. Thanx, -Elon
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert J. Denton Images (Snip. . . ) Mexico is indeed a monopoly. They
are also a member of OPEC and a petro exporter. What you fail to see is that
the USA refiners are ripping you off. Way above and beyond the cost of doing