" ...My greatest embarassment is that I get to the line, Put it in gear
and it flames out, never to be restarted...."
Sorta like the guy I saw at Richmond (VA) Dragway-- he pulled up to the
line rev'ed his engine and when the lights counted down he dumped the
clutch and there was a sharp "plang" and his driveshaft rolled out from
under the car. I'll bet that kid had a hard time explaining to his
parents how their station wagon "suddenly quit running."
Regards, Neil Tucson, AZ
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of drmayf
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 8:06 PM
Subject: Another Quirky Question - Re Certificaton.
HAs anyone ever tried to maybe do a history on the SCTA and its inner
workings? I think that it would be a best seller among us folk! Title
something like " How we got to where we are today..." Wish I knew how
to read and write..
Well, tomorrow is back at it finishing some work on a truck mounted push
bar and them making one for my truck also. My greatest embarassment is
that I get to the line, Put it in gear and it flames out, never to be
restarted.... sorta like whiffing the ball on the first front
of the waiting t timers...