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RE: waiting in line

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: waiting in line
From: <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 07:12:30 -0700
Lots of wisdom in that post, Keith.  Happiness is something WE choose, not
something that just happens.

Dale C.

                Subject:        Re: waiting in line

                Everytime someone complains to me about waiting in line I
Always explain why
                not only doesn't it bother me.... But I look forward to

                The works all done... and the social time with friends is
something I
                cherish...  how can you go wrong....

                Here's the deal.... I'm the only one who gets to pick how I
feel about it...
                if I don't like it... and can't change it.... the wait is
always going to
                seem ten times longer....   If I turn it around and look at
it as an
                opportunity to make new friends... hang out with old
ones....  I can enjoy
                it all the more....

                Life is just like that...  I can only pick my attitude...


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