WELL Now I remember why we started this list... to go racing and stuff....
How bout we go to Maxton.... oh say this weekend? Yep... that's right...
it's that time again.... just swapped out the Oil in the car and I'm ready
to stick it in that Bread box and see how bad it is without rear
suspension.... should be a fun meet.... Scott has already left home... can't
wait to see him...
Dave I also re-packed and checked the front bearing's just to make myself
feel good about that set up... it seems to be working...
As for Tonya.... well I bought some seat foam to build her a seat this
weekend and I've installed a 6 point belt I bought from Joe Timney.... so
she should finally get her chance driving this thing.... will she be
surprised... whew.... this is a bit quicker then the Camaro....
Can't wait to get started.... so I'm off of here....