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Re: record listing

To: "DrMayf" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: record listing
From: "dahmurf" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 11:50:18 -0500
 This is part of what I'm working on for the ECTA. I'm attaching registration 
information to each run/record per vehicle. It's all in a database but is 
dependent on how completely each team fills out their registration. I hope in 
the future to attach the database to the web site to allow interested parties 
to "query" the data in any way they desire. I would never recommend a printed 
copy as the data changes too often. Plus there are so many different ways to 
want to look at the data that a database is the only thing that makes sense.
 We also have the issue of acquiring past vehicle information. Luckily the 
ECTA isn't so old so I can still reference real people for data (& John may 
still have a lot of this paper laying around!).
 I already have it in my plan to spy on the timing goings on & timing program 
during this event to do some R&D for my database project. We already have a 
timing program we use, I'm just working on the back end of things. 
 Mayf - Talk with me in Bonnie & I'll show you what I'm doing (I'll have my 
laptop in tow - I'm such a nerd!). Maybe we can put a few heads together, 
share some knowledge & get you started.
> Dan, I don't think anyone wants the entire enchilada put into the 
> rule book. But it would be cool if all the data were available on 
> the SCTA web site so anyone who had a specific question coould go 
> surfing. I suspect that there are thousands of bits of data in the 
> records storage area. How about you chatting it up with the other 
> officials and if deemed a worthy project, I will convert paper into 
> bits for the web site. Wont be pretty but might be of some benefit. 
> I would convert paper data, send it to ?, and then you all could 
> determine whether or not to include. This would be a year long 
> effort is suspect.
> mayf

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