WOW, new word for the day, "cylindricity." I like it. Just a question,
John, as you seem to be the expert in this area, what is your opinion of
Total Seal rings? I was considering running them, is there any advantage to
the "gapless" approach?
Thanks in advance. Dale
Subject: Re: rings rotating?
John, interesting that you mention rotating rings. Just
yesterday, I had another discussion with an engine designer on the subject.
My stock question is to provide solid, tangible, experimental data that
supports the need for ring rotation in a cylinder that has <.0002" of bore
distortion (in true cylindricity). The stock answer is that rotation is
required to keep rings from lining up end gaps. My stock answer is, HUH?
Seems to me you have greater potential for end gap alignment with ring
rotation. Even greater potential exists if bore distortion >.0002" exists,
encouraging rings to stop in a fixed bore location. To confuse things even
further, the conversation usually gravitates to cross hatch angle as a
critical feature in the ring rotation equation. The same question is asked;
where is the proof for all this? Not WAG, not someones best guess or theory
but bonified, provable, repeatable data.
John Goodman
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