More than 75 lbs; more than a half cylinder 15" dia X 10" long. Or you tell
me what the criteria is and I'll see about modifying the car for testing.
The chute can be packed separately.
At 10:32 AM 10/27/02 -0500, Dave Dahlgren wrote:
>describe too big and heavy..
>Dave Dahlgren
>Higginbotham Land Speed Racing wrote:
>> Dave,
>> Why don't you just build one and test it? I personally think that proper
>> "stretch" and ultimate strength of the riser(s) along with proper canopy
>> design/size and the correct application of those two items regarding speed
>> will do the job. It has in the past for aircraft, space shuttles....even
>> airliners. But hey, there certainly could to be something better (like your
>> idea?) out there. If Bob is wrong and it isn't too big and heavy, I could
>> see if it would fit in my car.
>> Skip
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